
The LEGO Brand

The LEGO brand is more than simply our familiar logo. It is the expectations that people have of the company – towards its products and services, and the accountability that the LEGO Group feels towards the world around it. The brand acts as a guarantee of quality and originality.

We shall achieve our mission by constantly focusing on our strong brand.

Children are our role models
Children are inquisitive, creative and imaginative – with an innate urge to learn. We must stimulate the child in each of us!

We have a definite approach to quality, and we want to be the best and most credible player in the toy business. We strive constantly to develop innovative products which promote creativity and fun-packed play.

These are the values that make the LEGO brand unique – and give us the edge on all the others.


Nestle Nido Brand

NESTLÉ® NIDO® 1+, 3+, 6+ is Nestle's new series of milk powders addressing the developmental needs of children for various age groups and at the various stages of growth. NIDO 1+with prebiotics, is developed for children ages 1 – 3 years as they experience the beginning of a change in their nutrition and development. NIDO 3+ with iron and vitamin C, is designed for children who are beginning their pre-school years. NIDO 6+ with Calcium, is focused on children of school age who are expereincing an increase in physical activities.


Samsonite Company History

Samsonite Group is one of the world's largest and most recognized designers and distributors in the luggage industry.

With a rich heritage that includes nearly a century in business, Samsonite has a proud tradition of developing innovative, high-quality products that integrate style, functionality and design technology to meet the changing lifestyle needs of people on the move. Samsonite's tagline – 'Life's a Journey' – embodies the brand's belief and vision, symbolizing the role Samsonite has in the multi-faceted lives of travelers.

The Samsonite brand was born in 1910 when founder Jesse Shwayder began producing luggage for turn-of-the-century travelers – a small and affluent group who appreciated the Company's unique, durable and finely crafted products. As travel evolved into a mainstream activity, Samsonite's product mix evolved with it, growing to encompass a diverse range of items for a host of travel needs. Along the way, Samsonite continued to anticipate and fulfill the changing requirements of travelers by introducing a string of "firsts", including the first matching luggage sets, the first lightweight luggage and the first wheeled suitcases, to name just a few.

Samsonite's ability to perceive and adapt to the changing needs of travelers has made the brand a leading authority for people on the move, throughout the years. From the roaring twenties, the Depression era, WWII, the rise of the jet age, the exciting sixties and beyond, Samsonite has continued to transform the travel industry through its rich brand history.

Today, the global travel industry continues to grow, and Samsonite continues to lead through the continuous introduction of innovative technologies, materials and design concepts, which we market through some of the most recognized brand names in the world. And while each of our brands is specifically focused on its own clearly defined customer group, every product we create continues to embody the same values on which Samsonite was founded – high quality, fine craftsmanship, exceptional reliability and enduring style.
